Welcome to our Wellness Blog!
Welcome and thank you for your interest in our blog! This blog is used to share valuable wellness and health information. We hope you find these posts beneficial to maintaining and/or restoring your health. Background Wellness has not always been a part of our pharmacy name, but it has always been a passion of ours. Our name recently changed from Rx Clinic Pharmacy to Avant Pharmacy & Wellness in 2021,
Vitamin D: One of the Most Underrated Vitamins
There are many different vitamins and supplements that our bodies use everyday. The body needs vitamins in order to properly function, help in boost your immune system, promote health, and even provide our body with energy it needs. One vitamin in particular is often overlooked: Vitamin D. Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is what’s considered a fat-soluble vitamin (meaning that it is dissolved by fat and then stored in
Hydration: Why It Matters and How to Maintain Healthy Levels
Summer is right around the corner, and in most locations in North America, it may feel like we have already hit those hot and humid temperatures. With the hotter temperatures rising, hydration is likely on the forefront of your mind, and if not, it should be. Am I dehydrated? First, how do you know if you are dehydrated? You may be dehydrated if two or more of the following markers
When Losing Weight, The Healthy Way is the Best Way
Almost 108 million Americans were overweight or obese in 1999. Now, obesity continues to be a serious problem and has reached epidemic levels since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Here are some diseases that increase in risk in those who are overweight or obese: Heart Disease Stroke Diabetes Cancer Arthritis Hypertension Losing weight helps to prevent and control these diseases, but that’s often easier said than done. The
Starting Fresh
Excess toxins could be impacting your weight loss potential and your overall health!! Start with a clean slate and watch the results. The Avant 7-Day Kick Start Detox and Program will help to improve your energy and metabolism in just 7 days! The 7 Day Kick Start is a detoxification program that detoxes your body, helps you lose weight, increases lean muscle mass, and improves performance! In a nutshell, that’s